Governance, Risk,& Compliance (GRC)

The route to strengthen your company’s security programs. Use technologies efficiently and obtain support in meeting business objectives.

Organizations must constantly plan their efforts in information security, personal data protection and regulatory compliance.

What is it?

Our Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) strategy focuses on specialized advice to companies on risk management and compliance administration. We assist you with systems directly related to information security, prioritizing good practices that respond to the needs and organizational culture of your company.

What is it for?

Implementing a GRC strategy at the business level will allow organizations to be prepared for unwanted events that compromise information security, endanger the maintenance of the company over time and may cause legal or contractual breach.

With EAMC, your organization can avoid the risk of suffering sanctions or reputational damage for non-compliance with different regulatory frameworks, avoiding risks and generating legal certainty.

You can certify your processes before third parties, guaranteeing that your company is committed to maintaining certain standards that conform to the norm and always seeking continuous improvement.

Advantages of Our Cybersecurity Strategy

• Consulting by industry specialists.
• Accompaniment throughout the implementation process.
• Objectivity in the development of activities.
• Constant updating of the latest regulations.
• Decrease in the workload of those responsible for security in companies.
• Saving time and money in the training of multidisciplinary work teams.

Advantages With Our Services


We ensure the management and supervision of security controls, the implementation of security policies and procedures and regulatory compliance. With effective risk analysis, we are responsible for information security and for reporting to your organization’s management.

Security Governance

We offer development and support in creating Security Master Plan and its components. It is the document that will guide the organization on its path to safety. It describes your organization’s security strategy, its risks, and the details of the projects that will be addressed to mitigate them. We include your strategy’s planning, prioritization, and the indicators for monitoring them.

Risk Analysis

As specialized professionals in risk analysis. our methodology – based on ISO 31000 – is capable of integrating the analysis of different aspects (technological, environmental, compliance risk, etc.) in an integrated analysis.

Design of Security Measures

Based on the risk analysis, we design the necessary security measures (organizational, technical and legal). It helps you reduce your organization’s risk, establishing the procedures, infrastructure and optimal configuration of the components to achieve this goal.

These measures must be transferred to a document, commonly called the Risk Treatment Plan, which must be approved by the organization’s management.

Regulatory Compliance Consulting

We offer consulting service specialized in all regulations related to security and the correct service in information and communication technologies.

The exponential increase in regulations related to information security, as well as sanctions, make this a crucial aspect in the day to day of the organization.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

We have professionals specialized in information and communication technologies. Not all organizations appoint a DPO have the appropriate figure within the organization, or they may not have all the time or knowledge necessary to carry out this task. With the necessary certifications, we offer a dedicated data Protection Service (DPS), including advice and support to the DPO designated by your organization.

Internal Audits

Internal auditing is considered one of the three lines of defense for information security. EAMC provides internal audit service, either to prepare for certification or as an analysis of the organization’s situation at a specific time. We respect the regulations related to security and offer the appropriate service in information and communication technologies.

Business Continuity

EAMC offers consulting services on business impact analysis, risk assessment, continuity plans, education and training, tests and drills. These services are related to the continuity of information systems and other critical aspects for business continuity.

The business continuity plans must manage to avoid the interruption of the activities. It also ensures that the organization continues to function offering its services with a pre-established minimum level and recover normality in certain periods.

Our GRC Process

1. Diagnosis

Find out what state your organization is in regarding information security management and personal data protection.

2. Design and Implementation

Design a plan that allows you to meet your information security objectives and keep threats under control.

3. Management

Establish systems and programs with impact throughout the organization to make optimal management of personal data and security.

4. Verification

Implementing a verification stage is vital to validate if you are complying with all security regulatory requirements.

5. Training

Raise awareness and train employees so that they develop knowledge about the risks they face every day and know how to act in the face of them.

Our Case Studies